
Should Teenage Girls Receive Professional Support to Manage Depression?

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In today’s day and age, mental health is hanging by a precarious thread. Depression is one condition that is known as the disease of modernity. In general, it may be defined as a constant feeling of sadness. 

However, this does not mean that you will find a depressed individual always walking around with a frown. The reason why it is so difficult to identify the signs of this condition is that it acts as a disguise. In other words, a person with depression may carry on with a smile while lifting a burden too heavy to bear. 

Recent studies have found that our adolescents are suffering bitterly. Even among this demographic, teenage girls are twice as likely to face a major depressive episode than their male counterparts. 

Should parents allow their teen girls to fend for themselves? In this article, we will understand why professional support makes more sense. 


Custom Treatment Plans 

Though friends and family mean well, they can still fall short in helping a teenage girl with depression. This is because every adolescent’s condition is unique and requires a custom care plan. 

Healthcare professionals like counselors, therapists, and nurse practitioners are specifically trained to deal with each situation personally. In general, psychotherapy is an effective form of treatment used against depression. 

However, the healthcare practitioner will look at factors like the severity of symptoms, preferences, and more before prescribing a specific therapy. The following types of psychotherapies may be used:  

Cognitive Therapy 

This therapy runs on the principle that one’s thoughts can affect emotions. It aims to empower the patient to think positive thoughts so that they can witness positive results. 

Cognitive therapy works because depression is more or less a vicious cycle where negative thoughts beget more negative thoughts. Ultimately, they leave the person feeling defeated and hopeless. The healthcare professional will help the patient identify destructive thought patterns, commonly known as cognitive distortions. 

Then, they will teach the patient to turn those negative thoughts into positive ones. Gradually, the patient’s mood should get better. 

Behavioral Therapy 

In contrast to cognitive therapy, behavioral therapy is all about addressing the negative attitudes of a patient that may be contributing to their condition. The idea behind this therapy is that all behaviors are somewhat learned and can be altered. 

Suppose a healthcare professional observes that a teenage girl is most likely to drift into depression when someone comments on her weight. They will bring this behavioral pattern to light and encourage them to use better alternatives. 

This could include eating healthier and looking at the body as a sacred vessel to enjoy the gift of life. That way, the adolescent will be less likely to succumb to shame and other negative emotions. 

Psychodynamic Therapy 

This type of psychotherapy will be prescribed if the healthcare professional suspects that a girl’s depression is rooted in childhood experiences. Numerous events, including feelings of neglect, inferiority, etc., can make teenagers believe that they’re somehow flawed. 

Naturally, this will lead to conflicting emotions that are difficult to deal with. Psychodynamic therapy is focused on making the patient more aware of their complex emotions and their possible root causes. Then, the therapist will work on accommodating the patient’s emotional capacities. 


Better Understanding 

When a friend or family observes signs of depression in their teenage girl, they may rub it off as a normal part of adolescence. They may wrongly believe the mask their child is trying so hard to have on. As a result, the child may also think that they do not need further help. 

In many cases of major depressive disorder, the patient is not even aware of their condition. Moreover, it may take even professionals some time to convince the patient of their depression. However, the experts have tried and tested tools to recognize the signs and help others recognize them as well. 

With professional support, the girl as well as her family can understand depression better and why it is unsustainable to neglect it. Sometimes, the teenager or their parents may be aware of the condition but may avoid professional support because they may believe it to be a hassle. 

The truth is that contemporary mental healthcare facilities rely on advanced technologies to provide the best possible patient care. An example would be the use of behavioral health EHR systems

The software enables healthcare professionals to access and modify records, prescribe effective medication, and make billing seamless. According to Accumedic Computer Systems, therapists and nurses keep track of patient progress and treatment. That way, they can make any changes to the care plan as soon as possible.


Improved Quality of Life 

According to Healthline, around 21 million Americans on average have experienced a major depressive episode. The numbers are higher among teenagers, especially girls given the societal pressures they must face. 

Not only that but adolescence is a period of great emotional turmoil. If not addressed properly, parents risk losing their teens to the dark pit of depression and anxiety. It’s perfectly understandable to feel helpless under these circumstances. 

With a team of caring healthcare professionals beside them, the teen will feel empowered to get better. With time, you will notice your teen girls regain their zeal for life as they discover that not all the world is full of naysayers. 

Our teen girls are truly suffering. Report after report speaks about the mental health crisis epidemic fueled by social media and unrealistic standards. At this point, these reports are a megaphone trying to rouse a dead world. It is high time that we work towards creating a stigma-less safe space for our youth. 

If any girl you know showcases signs like irritability, isolation, a general sense of sadness, and apathy, take a stand on their behalf. Enable them to get the help they need and you’d be surprised at how the bud that has closed off will blossom beautifully.

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